Whole Grain Griddle Cakes

Ingredients & Directions

1/2 c All purpose flour; sifted
-before measuring
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Double-acting baking powder
3/4 ts Baking soda
1 c Finely milled whole wheat
2 tb Sugar; honey or molasses
1 Egg
2 c Buttermilk or yogurt
2 tb Melted butter or bacon

Sift the flour with salt, baking powder and baking soda. Stir in whole
wheat flour. In a seperate bowl, combine and beat sugar, egg, buttermilk
and butter.

Mix the liquid ingredients together quickly into the dry ingredients. Don’t
overbeat. Give just enough quick strokes to barely moisten the dry
ingredients. Ignore the lumps. Pour the batter from the tip of the spoon
onto a hot griddle. It will be two to three minutes before the cakes are
ready to turn. When bubbles appear on the upper surfaces, but before they
break, lift the cakes with a spatula to see how well they have browned.
Turn the cakes only once and continue cooking them until the second side is
done. Cooking this side takes only about half as long, and the second side
never browns as evenly. Serve the cakes at once.

Whole Grain and Soy Griddle Cakes

Substitute for the all purpose flour:

1/4 cup soy flour

1/4 cup cornmeal

1 cup finely milled whole grain flour
1 Servings

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