Tuscan Bread

Bread Loaf Of Bread Fresh Bake

Ingredients & Directions

1 oz Fresh yeast; -=OR=-
2 pk -Instant dry yeast granules
1 1/4 c Warm water (125F)
2 1/4 c Unbleached white flour
1/4 c Whole wheat flour

IN A LARGE BOWL, DISSOLVE the yeast in the water. Mix the 2 flours
and stir them in to make a soft dough. Knead 10 minutes by hand, or 4
minutes in a heavy duty mixer with a dough hook. Oil a clean bowl and
set the dough in it, cover tightly with plastic wrap and let rise
until doubled in bulk. (In the traditional warm place, this will take
about 2 hours. However, a cooler temperature will do as long as the
dough has enough time to rise, including overnight in the
refrigerator.) If the dough is ready sooner than it is needed, punch
it down and refrigerate it or let it rise slowly again at room
temperature until ready to use. Rub 2 to 3 tablespoons flour into a
lintless dish towel and set the towel on a baking sheet. When the
dough has completed its rising, punch it down, turn it out onto a
floured work surface, and flatten it into an oblong about 8 inches
wide, 10 inches long, and 1/4-inch thick. It will still be very soft,
but try to use a minimum of additional flour in handling it. Roll the
dough tight, jelly-roll fashion, into a cylindrical shape. Flatten
this to about 1-inch thick and roll it again. (This activates the web
of gluten that will keep the loaf from flattening out in the oven.)
FOR A ROUND LOAF, tuck both ends of the cylinder under to meet in the
center, pinching to seal them. Roll the dough around the work surface
under your hands, to shape it into a smooth ball about 5 inches in
diameter. FOR AN OBLONG LOAF, roll the dough under your hands into a
fat cigar shape, extending it to about 10 inches in length. Set the
loaf on the floured towel and fold the ends of the towel loosely
around it. Put the covered loaf, on its baking sheet, in a warm place
to rise for 1 hour. Preheat an oven lined with baking tiles to 400F.
Have a water-filled sprayer handy. Slide your hand under the towel,
pick up the loaf, and gently deposit it upside down on the tiles.
Spray water into the oven before closing the door, and spray twice
more at 2-minute intervals. Bake for 50 minutes or until golden
brown. The bread should have a hollow sound when you knock on its

Makes 1 Loaf


1 servings

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