Sugar Cookies #2 (1950)

Cookies Pecan Gourmandise Food

Ingredients & Directions

3/4 c Shortening 3 ts Baking powder
1 c Sugar 1/2 ts Salt
2 Eggs — beaten 1/2 ts Vanilla
2 ts Grated orange rind 1/3 c Milk
3 1/2 c Sifted all-purpose flour

Cream shortning and sugar. Beat eggs and rind into mixture. Sift dry
ingredients. Add 1/2 of dry ingredients to creamed mixture. Mix
well. Add vanilla and milk and remaining dry ingredients. Chill
well. Roll 1/8 inch thick on lightly floured board or pastry
cloth; cut into shapes with cooky cutters. Bake on ungreased cooky
sheet in moderate oven (375 deg. F) about 8-10 min.
Makes about 6 doz. cookies.

The illustrations show a row of weirdly pin-headed gingerbread persons
in sugar overalls, and a fetching plateful of bells, boots, wreaths,
and what might be intended to be reindeer.

Stacy Leah Scott 25 Oct 1995

72 servings

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