Stuffings For Gwynne's Homemade Pita Breads

Bread Fresh Baked Crusty Bakery

Ingredients & Directions

Chopped tomatoes
Sliced black olivescrumbled
-or chopped rice cheese
1/2 Roll veggie crumble, thawed
1 sm Green pepper, diced
1/2 Onion, diced
1 ts Chopped garlic (out of a
A little veggie broth

Spray pan. Saute first 4 ingredients. Add broth and simmer just long enough
to blend flavors. Evaporate enough broth so mixture is just slightly moist.
Spoon into pita breads. It’s kind of a mixture of minced collops (British)
and taco fillings (Mexican-American).

The cheese was Rice Chunk brand: not FF but only 3 grams of fat per 1-ounce
serving, and better-tasting than just about any other LF or substitute
cheese I have tried to date. It was mozzarella flavor. It *does* contain
casein, for those who care.

1 Servings

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