Shortbread Biscuits Layered With Strawberries And Cream

Cookies Bake Christmas Advent

Ingredients & Directions

4 Shortbread biscuits
1/2 pt Double cream
2 Punnets strawberries
Icing sugar

Start by making a coulis from one punnet of strawberries and approximately
2 or 3oz icing sugar by whizzing and then sieving. Set aside. Whip the

Slice or halve strawberries depending on their size. Place a shortbread
biscuit on the plate, top with the cream and some sliced strawberries,
another biscuit, more cream, strawberries and finally another biscuit. Dust
with icing sugar and top with a strawberry.

Arrange coulis around it, dotted and feathered with a little unwhipped
cream if wished.

1 servings

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