Kitchen Aid Basic White Bread

Roll Sesame Hamburger Burger Food

Ingredients & Directions

Makes 2 Loaves:
1/2 c Milk; I Used Nonfat
3 tb Sugar
2 ts Salt
3 tb Butter Or Margarine
2 pk Active Dry Yeast; (Used 4
-1/2 Tsp)
1 1/2 c Warm Water; 105 – 115 Deg F
5 c All-Purpose Flour; To 6 C
2 tb Sesame Seeds; **Note,
1 ts Egg Beaters? 99% Egg
-Substitute; Mixed With
1 ts Water

*NOTE: I added the toasted sesame seeds and the egg wash to one loaf of
bread…the recipe did not have this in it.

Combine milk, sugar, salt and butter in small saucepan. Heat over low heat
until butter melts and sugar dissolves. Cool to lukewarm.

Dissolve yeast in warm water in warmed bowl. Add lukewarm milk mixture and
4 1/2 C flour. Attach bowl and dough hook. Turn to Speed 2 and mix 1
minute. Continuing on Speed 2, add remaining flour, 1/2 C at a time, until
dough clings to hook and cleans sides of bowl. Knead on Speed 2 for 2
minutes longer, or until dough is smooth and elastic. Dough will be
slightly sticky to the touch.

Place in a greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover; let rise in warm
place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 1 hr.

Punch dough down and divide in half. Shape each half into a loaf and place
in greased 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 2 1/2″ loaf pan. Cover; let rise in warm place
free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 1 hr.

Bake at 400 deg F for 30 minutes. Remove from pans immediately and cool on
wire racks.

Yield: 2 loaves

Entered into

16 Servings

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