French Silk Chocolate Pie

Food Drinks Brown Cake Chocolate

Ingredients & Directions

1 Pie shell, baked and cooled
1/2 c Butter
3/4 c Sugar
1 oz Chocolate square *
1 ts Vanilla
2 Eggs
Whipped cream and walnuts
– for topping, optional

* NOTE: the book did not specify what type of chocolate to use.

Make your favorite single 8 inch pie shell.

Cream butter, add sugar slowly, creaming well. Blend in melted and
cooled chocolate and vanilla. Add eggs, one at a time, beating 5
minutes after each addition. With electric mixer use medium speed.
Turn into cooled, baked pie shell. CHill 1 to 2 hours. Before
serving top with whipped cream and walnuts, if desired.

1 pie

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