Easy Pita Bread

Bread Bakery Fresh Baked Baking

Ingredients & Directions

2 c Warm water
1 ts Sugar
1 pk Dry yeast (or 1 tb)
5 c All-purpose flour
1/4 c Vegetable oil
2 ts Salt

In mixing bowl, combine water and sugar; sprinkle yeast and let stand
for 10 minutes or until dissolved and creamy. Using electric mixer,
beat in 2 c. of the flour, oil and salt; beat for about 3 minutes or
until smooth, scraping down side of bowl from time to time. With
wooden spoon, beat in enough of the remaining flour to make stiff
dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface and knead for about 10
minutes or until smooth and elastic. Place dough in lightly greased
bowl, turning to grease all over. Cover with plastic wrap and let
rise for 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until doubled in bulk. Divide dough into
16 or 32 pieces. On lightly floured surface, roll each piece into 7″
or 4″ rounds. Cover and let rise for 15 minutes or until slightly
risen. Meanwhile, heat ungreased baking sheet on lowest rack in 500
degree oven (240 C). Using floured metal spatula, quickly transfer 2
or 3 pita rounds to heated baking sheet; bake for 3 or 4 minutes or
until puffed and light golden around edges. Repeat with remaining
pita rounds. Let cool between damp tea towels. Pitas will collapse
and soften slightly, but pocket will remain. (Alternatively, if crisp
pitas are desired, let cool on racks) Pitas can be stored in plastic
bags in freezer for up to 1 month. Makes 16 7″ pitas or 32 4″ pitas.

16 Pockets

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