Creole Rice Calas (fried Rice Cakes)

Strawberry Chocolate Cake Dessert

Ingredients & Directions

6 tb Flour
3 tb (heaping) sugar
2 ts Baking powder
1/4 ts Salt
1/4 ts Vanilla
2 c Cooked rice
2 Eggs
1 pn Nutmeg
Cooking oil
Powdered Sugar

“CALAS! CALAS, TOUT CHAUD!” as the Creole women used to shout when they
sold them in the French Quarter.

This recipe comes to us courtesy of my old classmate Louis Poch, of Loyola
University and a member of the NEW-ORLEANS Mailing List:

What are calas? (or, “I’ve got all this leftover rice, NOW WHAT DO I DO?”)
Calas are fried balls of rice and dough that are eaten covered with
powdered sugar, not unlike rice-filled beignets.

The way it has been told to me is that long ago, on cold mornings in New
Orleans, women would walk the streets of the French Quarter selling these
warm fried cakes for breakfast.

Here’s a recipe from La Bouche Creole (Pelican Press, 1981):

Mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and vanilla. Thoroughly
mix the rice and eggs together in a separate bowl. Add the dry ingredients
to the rice and egg mixture. When thoroughly mixed, drop by spoonfuls into
the hot deep fat (about 360 degrees F) and fry until brown. Drain on paper
towel. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve while hot.

Other variations are to serve with honey or (my favorite) Stein’s Cane
Syrup instead of the powdered sugar.

Serve with a cup of coffee that is …

Noir comme le Diable Fort comme la Mort Doux comme l’Amour Et chaud comme

Or, en anglais …

Black as the Devil Strong as Death Sweet as Love and hot as Hell!

This is not an inaccurate description of the coffee we drink in New

Of course you might enjoy your calas the way I had mine tonight … with an
Abita Turbodog Ale!

1 Servings

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