Coucou Sabzi (thick Herb, Vegetable And Egg Pancake)

Cake Eat Food Sweet Delicious

Ingredients & Directions

1 1/2 c Parsley, fresh; finely chop ;2 tbs. crumbled dry mint
;prefer flat leaf parsley 1 ts Oregano
1/4 c Scallions; finely chopped 1/4 ts Turmeric
1/4 c Leeks; finely chopped 1 ts Salt
1/4 c Romaine Lettuce; finely chop 1/2 ts Black pepper; freshly ground
1/4 c Dill, fresh; finely chopped 6 Egg
;or 2 tbs. dried dill weed 2 tb Olive oil
1/4 c Mint, fresh; finely cut or 1/3 c Olive oil

Combine the parsley, scallions, leeks, lettuce, dill, mint, oregano,
turmeric, salt and pepper in a deep bowl. Add the eggs and 2
tablespoons of the oil and beat vigorously with a fork to combine
them. Taste for seasoning.
In a heavy 10 inch skillet, heat the remaining 1/3 cup of oil over
moderate heat until a light haze forms above it. Pour in the herb
and egg mixture, spread it out evenly with a spatula. Cover and cook
over low heat for 8 to 10 minutes until the edges are fairly firm but
the center is still moist. run a knife around the circumference of
the pan to free the pancake, then cut it into a 4 pie-shaped wedges.
Cook uncovered for 1 or 2 minutes more, shaking the pan back and
forth gently.
When the center or the pancake is firm but still slightly moist,
cover the skillet with a flat plate and, grasping the plate and
skillet firmly together, invert them and turn the pancake out on the
plate. Then carefully slide the pancake back into the pan. Cover
again and cook for 4 to 5 minutes more to brown the underside. Slide
out of the pan to a serving plate and serve hot or cold.

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Time Life Series: Middle Eastern Cooking, “circa 69”

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4 servings

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