Christmas Pudding Tart

Cake Apple Pie Apple Champagne Cake

Ingredients & Directions

9 oz Flour
3 oz Icing sugar
4 oz Butter
1 Egg
1 Egg yolk

2 Eggs
3 oz Caster sugar
1 oz Plain flour
3 tb Double cream
2 oz Left over Christmas pudding

To make the pastry, mix together the icing sugar and butter. Rub in
the flour to form a crumb. Add the eggs and bind the pastry together.
Rest in the fridge for 20 minutes.

Roll out the pastry and line a 4 inch buttered muffin ring. Leave in
the fridge to rest for 2-3 hours.

To make the tart mix, beat together eggs and sugar, add the cream
then add the flour to resemble a batter-type mixture.

Cook the pastry case blind, then add the crumbled left over Christmas
pudding. Pour over the tart mix and return to the oven. Cook for
about 20 minutes on 120C/gas 5 or until golden brown. Dust with
caster sugar and serve with vanilla ice cream.

1 servings

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