Cheese Pie

Food Pie Baking Blueberry Berry

Ingredients & Directions

8 sl Day-old Bread; crusts
-removed and buttered on one
-side, up to 10
1 1/2 c Mature Cheese; grated
4 lg Eggs; beaten
375 ml Chicken Stock; (a little
-over 1 1/2 cups)
Freshly ground Black Pepper

Today’s offering is from Recipe-a-Day member P. Bullo in Australia.

Today’s recipe is easy to prepare and can be ready for your lunch or
dinner in about a half-hour.

Place half the bread slices in a medium casserole dish to cover the
bottom, making sure the buttered side is down. Sprinkle a one-cup
layer of the grated cheese over the bread slices. Cover the cheese
layer with a second layer of bread slices, making sure that the
buttered side is facing up, to form a sandwich.

In a small mixing bowl, add the beaten eggs to the chicken stock and
blend, then pour the mixture over the bread and cheese layers in the
casserole dish. Let stand for 30 minutes to soak the bread.

Place the remaining half-cup of grated cheese over the top of the
casserole dish and sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper. Place
in a pre-heated 150-C degree oven (300-F degrees) and bake for 30 to
40 minutes until done. Let stand for about 4 minutes before slicing
to serve warm. Goes well with a fresh leafy green salad.

4 To 6

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