Brewer's Rye Bread

Toast White Bread Pastries Fresh

Ingredients & Directions

6 c White flour(5 to 6 cups) 1 tb Salt
4 c Rye flour 1/3 c Dark molasses
1/4 c Butter or marjarine Heated to 105-115
1 1/4 c Warm ale (I use dark 2 pk Yeast
-beer) 1/2 ts Fennel seed, optional
2 c Milk

Combine flours, set aside. Scald milk, stir in salt molasses and
butter. Cool to lukewarm. Measure warm ale into large bowl, sprinkle
in yeast stir until dissolved. Stir in lukewarm milk mixture, fennel
seed (if used), and four cups flour mixture. Beat until smooth. Let
batter rise in warm place until doubled, about 30 minutes. Stir down
batter, stir in enough additional flour to make a stiff dough. Turn
out on lightly floured board, knead until smooth and elastic, about
12 minutes. Place in warm place, let rise until doubled about 45
minutes. Punch down dough, divide in half. Form into loaves or
rounds. Place in greased 9 by 5 loaf pans or on greased baking sheets
for rounds. Cover, let rise in warm place until doubled, about 50

Bake at 375 about 45 minutes for loaves or 35 for rounds. Remove from
baking sheets and cool on wire racks.

Makes 2 loaves or rounds.

2 loaves

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