Angel Food Cake (richard Cole)

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Ingredients & Directions

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My MIL made it out to California from Missouri to pay blackmail to me
for marrying her daughter almost 40 years ago. Her claim to fame is
and has been for over 50 years her angel food cakes. They usually go
for hundreds of dollars at their local charity auctions. Hmmm…come
to think of it that would have been cheap- er than marrying her

Well here is the recipe. Follow the directions exactly. This cake
is art as much as science. 1 3/4 cups egg whites ++after all eggs are
different sizes. 1 1/2 Teaspoon cream of tartar. This must be fresh!
1/2 Teaspoon salt 1 Cup cake flour 1 1/2 Cups powdered sugar 1 Cup
granulated sugar 1 Teaspoon vanilla Sift flour and powdered sugar
together four times. Using an electric mixer beat egg whites and salt
together until foamy. Add cream of tarter and continue beating until
soft peaks are formed. Then add granulated sugar and continue beating
until very glossy. The batter should form stiff peaks when the
beaters are removed. Using a wire whip fold in sifted dry ingredients
in one-thirds. Do NOT preheat oven. Bake cake in 10 inch tube pan for
35 minutes at 375 degrees. (The 35 minutes includes the warm up time
for the oven. Allow cake to cool 3 hours before removing from the pan
++over- night if you can wait that long. I can’t! This recipe honed
to a fine art by Aileen Pfieffer Odneal, my MIL. Shared by Richard
Cole who figures he didn’t get too bad a deal..

2 servings

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