Caramel-pecan Black Bottom Pie

Pie Food Nutrition Dessert Cake

Ingredients & Directions

1 1/3 c Sifted all purpose flour
3 tb Sugar
1/4 ts Salt
7 tb Cold unsalted butter; cut
-into 1/2-inch
; pieces
2 tb Ice water
1 lg Egg yolk
1/2 ts Vanilla extract

2 tb Brandy
1/2 ts Vanilla extract
1 ts Unflavored gelatin
5 oz Bittersweet; (not
-unsweetened) or
; semisweet
; chocolate, finely
; chopped
1/2 c Sugar
3 tb Cornstarch
1/4 ts Cornstarch
2 c Half and half
4 lg Egg yolks

2/3 c Sugar
1/3 c Water
1/2 c Plus 1 tablespoon whipping
1/4 c Unsalted butter; (1/2 stick)
1 c Toasted pecans; chopped

For crust:

Combine flour, sugar and salt in processor. Add butter and blend using
on/off turns until mixture resembles coarse meal. Beat water, egg
yolk and vanilla together in small bowl. Add egg mixture to processor
and process until large moist clumps form. Gather dough into ball;
flatten into disk. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate 30 minutes. (Dough
can be prepared up to 2 days ahead. Let dough stand at room
temperature to soften slightly before continuing.)

Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 350F. Lightly butter
9-inch-diameter pie pan. Roll dough out on floured surface to 13-inch
round. Transfer to prepared pan. Fold edges under and crimp to form
high fluted edge. Freeze until firm, about 15 minutes. Line crust
with foil and fill with dried beans or pie weights. Bake until sides
are set, about 20 minutes. Remove foil and beans. Pierce bottom of
crust until golden brown, about 20 minutes. Cool on rack.

For filling:

Combine brandy and vanilla in small bowl. Sprinkle gelatin over and
let stand 10 minutes. Place chocolate in medium bowl. Mix sugar,
cornstarch and salt in heavy medium saucepan. Gradually whisk half
and half and egg yolks into sugar mixture. Cook over medium-high heat
until custard is thick and smooth and begins to boil, whisking
constantly, about 3 minutes. Quickly add 1 1/4 cups custard to
chocolate. Stir until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth. Add
brandy and gelatin mixture to remaining hot custard. Stir until
gelatin dissolves. Spread chocolate filling in crust. Spread brandy
filling over. Refrigerate uncovered until pie is completely cool.

For topping:

Heat sugar and water in heavy small saucepan over low heat, stirring
until sugar dissolves. Increase heat and boil, without stirring,
until mixture is deep amber, brushing down sugar crystals from sides
of pan with wet pastry brush, about 11 minutes. Remove from heat and
add cream (mixture will bubble up). Add butter and stir until smooth.
Stir over low heat until color deepens and caramel thickens slightly,
about 3 minutes. Mix in pecans. Transfer to small bowl. Refrigerate
until cool but not set, stirring occasionally, about 30 minutes.

Spoon topping over brandy layer. Chill pie until topping is set,
about 2 hours. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate.)

Serves 8.

1 servings

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