Raspberry Krispie Dessert

Cheesecake Table Dessert Cream

Ingredients & Directions

1/2 c Margarine; melted 10 oz Raspberries, frozen; thawed
1 c Sugar, brown; packed -and drained (reserve juice)
1 c Coconut 1 pk Danish Dessert, raspberry-
1/2 c Nuts; chopped (optional) -currant; prepared using
3 c Cereal, Rice Krispies -reserved juice as part of
1/2 ga Ice cream, vanilla; softened -liquid

Mix margarine, brown sugar, coconut, nuts and Rice Krispies well.
Press into 9×13-inch pan. Slice ice cream (about 1 to 1 1/2 inches
thick) over Krispie mixture. Freeze. Mix drained raspberries with
prepared Danish Dessert. Store in covered bowl in refrigerator. To
serve cut frozen Krispie mixture into squares and pour
raspberry/pudding mixture over each square.

per serving: 373Cal, 18gFat, 47gCarb, 251mgNa approximate cost: $7

Evaluation by Deseret News: This takes the traditional Rice Krispie
Treat to higher heights- really a yummy dessert!

from: Deseret News, 2/7/95 posted by Jeanne Geake

12 servings

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