Deluxe Chocolate Cake

Cheesecake Cake Pie Delicious Bake

Ingredients & Directions

2 c (200 grams) sifted cake
1 ts Baking soda
1/4 ts Salt
1/2 c (50 grams) unsifted cocoa
1/2 c Lukewarm water
1/2 c Buttermilk, room
1/2 c Water
2 ts Vanilla
2 lg Eggs, room temperature
4 oz (1 stick) unsalted butter,
Room temperature
1 c (200 grams) granulated
1 c (200 grams) light brown
Sugar, packed

Adjust rack in lower third of oven. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Grease and flour two 8-inch round cake pans, and insert parchment
paper or waxed paper to line the bottoms. Sift the flour, baking
soda, and salt onto a sheet of waxed paper; set aside. Place the
cocoa in a 1-quart mixing bowl. Add the 1/2 cup lukewarm water, and
whisk to combine; set aside to cool. Pour the buttermilk, the 1/2 cup
water, and the vanilla into a liquid cup measure. Crack the eggs
into a small bowl, and whisk together to combine the yolks and
whites. Place the butter in the bowl of a heavy-duty mixer,
preferably fitted with a flat beater. Cream the butter on medium
speed until the butter is smooth and lighter in color, about 30 to 45
seconds. Reduce the speed to low, add the sugars in a steady stream.
When all the sugar is added, stop the machine, and scrape the mixture
clinging to the side of the bowl into the center. The mixture will
appear sandy. Increase the speed to medium again, and cream until the
mixture is light in color, is fluffy in texture, and appears as one
mass, about 5 to 7 minutes. With the mixer still on medium speed,
pour the eggs slowly at first. Continue to cream, scraping the sides
of the bowl at least once, until the mixture appears fluffy and
velvety. Stop the machine and spoon in the cooled cocoa mixture,
resume at medium speed and mix just until incorporated. Using a
rubber spatula, stir in one-fourth of the flour mixture. Then
one-third of the buttermilk mixture, stirring to blend

together. Repeat this procedure, alternating dry and liquid. With
each addition, scrape the sides of the bowl, and continue mixing
until smooth, never adding liquid if any flour is visible. Pour the
batter into the pans and spread it level. Bake for 25 minutes, or
until the baked surface springs back slightly when touched lightly in
the center and the sides contract from the pan. Place the cake pans
on a rack to cool for 5 to 10 minutes. With mitts, tilt and rotate
pans gently tapping them on the counter to see if the cake releases
from sides.

Yield: Two 8-inch layers


8 ounces semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped 1 cup
heavy cream

Put the chocolate in a medium bowl. In a small saucepan, heat the
heavy cream just to the boil. Remove from heat. Pour over chocolate
and whisk until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth and shiny.
ASSEMBLING THE DESSERT: Split each layer of cake in half horizontally
and place one layer, cut side up, on a cardboard round. Spread with
one-third of the ganache filling. Center a second layer on top of
the first, and spread it with one-third of the ganache filling.
Place another layer, cut side up, on top, and spread with remaining
filling and turn he last layer upside down, and center it over the



4 servings

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