Superbread (whole Wheat Quickbread)

Baked Goods Baked Bread

Ingredients & Directions

2 1/2 c Whole wheat flour
1 ts Baking soda
1 ts Sea salt
1 ts Baking powder
1 pn Cinnamon

1/2 c Molasses or raw honey
1/4 c Polyunsaturated oil
1 1/2 c Buttermilk
1/2 c Chopped walnuts or cashews
1 tb Grated orange rind

Sift “A” together into a large bowl. Add “B”. Stir eveything together until
combined. Pour into a loaf pan and let sit on the counter 20 minutes. Bake
375 for 45 minutes to an hour until tested done.

My Note: I have quite a few quickbreads recipes which advising sitting 20
minutes before baking. This proecess helps with the texture. If you use
fresh and double acting baking powder, your quickbreads will still rise
well when baked.

1 Servings

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