Sourdough Potato-rye Bread

Bread Food Isolated Croissant Loaf

Ingredients & Directions


1 c Sd starter room temp 1 c Potato water room temp
1/4 c Molasses 2 c Whole-wheat flour

1 c Beef broth 1/2 ts Ground mace
1/4 c Yellow cornmeal 1/2 c Rye meal (see note)
1 c Riced potatoes 1/2 ts Nutmeg
1 tb Yeast 2 c Rye flour
1/4 c Lukewarm potato wate 2 c White flour
1 tb Salt Egg white wash
4 tb Butter, melted Poppy seeds

DAY ONE: In large warmed bowl, combine starter, molasses, potato
water and whole-wheat flour. Stir well, cover with plastic and a
heavy towel and let rise in warm place overnight or at least 12 hrs.
DAY TWO: Bring broth to boil, andd cornmeal and, stirring constantly,
cook 2 mins. Remove from heat, stir in potatoes and cool to lukwarm;
add to starter mixture. Sprinkle yeast over lukewarm water, stir to
dissolve an dlet stand until foamy. Add to starter mixture with salt,
butter and spices. Beating constantly, add rye meal, rye flour and
white flour. Dough will be sticky and heavy. Turn out onto floured
board and, adding additional flour as needed to prevent sticking,
knead 8 mins. If dough is still sticky after 5 mins, lightlyoil board
and hands and finish kneading. Dough will be slightly sticky to hands
but should not stick to board. Form into smooth ball, place in oiled
bowl, turn to coat all surfaces, cover wtih towel and let rise in
warm place 1 hr or until double in bulk. Punch down and turn out onto
floured board; knead for 20 turns. Cover with towel and let rest 5-10
mins. Divide into 2 equal portions and form each into a long loaf.
Place side by side on large greased baking sheet. With sharp razor,
cut 3 slashes from end to end 1/2 in deep. Brush evenly with egg
white wash, being carful not to spill onto baking sheet, and sprinkle
generously with poppy seeds. Let rise, uncovered, in warm place 45
mins or until almost double in size. Bake in oven preheated to 400 20
mins; reduce heat to 375 and bake 30 mins longer or until bread tests
done. to give top a shiny dark look, place under broiler and, being
carful of scorching, broil until dark. Transfer to wire rack and cool.

2 servings

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