Potato Water Sourdough Starter

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Ingredients & Directions

3 md Potatoes; peeled and cubed
1 qt Water
1 3/4 c Flour
1 tb Sugar
1 tb Salt
1 pk Dry yeast
2 1/2 c Potato water

Recipe by: FWDS07A Patricia Dwigans Cook approximately 3 med potatoes in
water until tender. Drain, reserving liquid. Use potatoes in a favorite
recipe. In a medium sized mixing bowl combine flour, sugar, salt and dry
yeast. Mix well. Stir in reserved potato water. Cover with a towel or
cheesecloth and place in a warm place for 1-2 days or until mixture becomes
bubbly. Stir down several ties a day. Store until needed in refrigerator in
a clean plastic container with tight fitting lid. This lid must have a
small hole punched init to allow gases to escape. Te to replenish add equal
amounts of all purpose flour and lukewarm water at least once a week


1 Servings

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