Herman Sourdough Starter

Food Cake Sourdough Bread Sweet

Ingredients & Directions

2 c All-purpose flour 1/3 c Warm water (115-120degrees)
2 c Milk 2 pk Dry yeast
1 c Sugar

Sprinkle 1 Tablespoon of the sugar over the warm water. Sprinkle
yeast over this and let stand in warm place to double in size,
approximately 10 minutes.

Mix milk, sugar, flour and yeast mixture in a plastic or glass
container, about the size of a 5 quart ice cream bucket.

Stir, using only a wooden spoon as metal objects retard Herman’s
natural growth. Cover loosely with a clean cloth or place glass
plate over top of container so Herman can breathe.

Herman doubles, even triples at times of vigorous rising. Place
Herman in a warm place overnight. (On top of refrigerator or in oven
with only the pilot light or electric oven light on.) Next day
refrigerate, loosely covered, and try to stir each day. Yeast-type
mold may begin to form on the surface after 48 hours if you don’t
stir daily. On the fifth day, measure out 1 cup of Herman to bake
with (you can measure out more but you must have at least 1 cup of
Herman left). Then feed the Herman you have left:
: 1 c all-purpose white flour; 1 c milk; 1/2 c sugar

Stir well! Keep in refrigerator in the same large container, loosely
covered. Stir every day. We have been away on vacation weekends
with no stirring and Herman survived quite nicely. For longer
vacations, remember he freezes well!

On the tenth day, if you wish, measure out enough to bake another
recipe and start the process of feeding him once again. Feed Herman:

2 c all-purpose flour; 2 cups milk; 1 c sugar.

After the tenth day we start using Herman almost daily, or as
desired, as we make most of our bread, cake and pancakes from Herman.
As long as we remember to feed him approximately every 5 days he
survives very well. Feed on days divisible by five-five, ten,
fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, and thirty. You will never again
forget when to feed Herman. If it’s a 5-day, feed Herman!

If you are not using Herman often, just add a Tablespoon of sugar to
Herman every fifth day and continue as long as forever!! Herman is
such a sweetheart ( a sweet sourdough)!!

1 servings

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